PRO Map: Insurance – Claims Processing
This Process Map outlines the End-to-End Process for Claims Processing in Insurance. PRO’s Process Maps begin with a process flow constructed in BPMN 2.0, then add layers identifying Improvement Opportunities, Best Practices, Value Stream Metrics and segmentation of process steps. These additional layers are described in further detail below.

Value Added vs. Low or Non-Value Added Improvement Segmentation
PRO begins every improvement program by conducting an initial analysis of all in-scope processes to understand what is most valuable to your customers.
While it’s understood that some lower-value work steps are indeed necessary to fully execute a process, this evaluation provides valuable insight to where resource waste is occurring, further empowering your teams toward a more aggressive ROI and better customer experience.

Value Added vs. Low or Non-Value Added Improvement Segmentation
PRO begins every improvement program by conducting an initial analysis of all in-scope processes to understand what is most valuable to your customers. While it’s understood that some lower-value work steps are indeed necessary to fully execute a process, this evaluation provides valuable insight to where resource waste is occurring, further empowering your teams toward a more aggressive ROI and better customer experience.
Leading Practice Workflow in Dynamic Simulation Language
All the leading process templates in PRO’s knowledge base are built using the new “open source” Business Process Modeling & Notation (BPMN 2.0) language. These dynamic models allow for simulation and capacity analysis that help to create an effective business case for improvements. CIO teams also find these models to be highly useful in building technology roadmaps. Every PRO project includes an optional deliverable of setting-up or enhancing the clients “Business Process Repository” containing robust process models.

Leading Practice Workflow in Dynamic Simulation Language
All the leading process templates in PRO’s knowledge base are built using the new “open source” Business Process Modeling & Notation (BPMN 2.0) language. These dynamic models allow for simulation and capacity analysis that help to create an effective business case for improvements. CIO teams also find these models to be highly useful in building technology roadmaps. Every PRO project includes an optional deliverable of setting-up or enhancing the clients “Business Process Repository” containing robust process models.

Value Stream Metrics
To drive the most effective business case for both line and shared service functions, PRO maintains thousands of process level benchmark metrics across all major industries & functions. These metrics facilitate rapid adoption of internal/external service level agreements (SLA’s). In fact, many clients have also found that some of their most important insights and stretch goals have appeared by utilizing benchmarks from outside their own industry.

Value Stream Metrics
To drive the most effective business case for both line and shared service functions, PRO maintains thousands of process level benchmark metrics across all major industries & functions. These metrics facilitate rapid adoption of internal/external service level agreements (SLA’s). In fact, many clients have also found that some of their most important insights and stretch goals have appeared by utilizing benchmarks from outside their own industry.
Integrated Improvement Opportunities
PRO maintains data on the highest potential improvement programs in each specific industry and function, often assisting client’s internal improvement team efforts. It is not uncommon to accelerate results for in-process, client initiatives – often by as much as 20-40% – by uncovering detailed, desk-level opportunities and integrating functional leadership on policy, training and technology standards.